Although the information was very good I felt the queries could be tweaked slightly and broken out into the variations needed for the different SQL Server editions.
I find that it is helpful to know when the database server was started due to the various Dynamic Management Views and Functions (DMV) that I use. Many of these collate cumulative statistics beginning at a SQL Server start. Which means that they are cleared down when the instance is restarted, so it's helpful to know the uptime of the server in order to know how much data has been collected and whether it is representative of how the server is being used: i.e. one day's worth of statistics vs. one month's.
As the blog post mentioned above outlines, there are several ways of getting to this data and some of them work only in certain versions of SQL Server. Here they are in my modified form:
NB: I am ignoring SQL Server 2000
Method 1 - Check TempDB create date
SQL Server 2005+
Method 2 - Check the system DMVSELECT [crdate] AS [LastStartupDate],DATEDIFF(dd,[crdate],GETDATE()) AS [Days since server start]FROM [dbo].[sysdatabases]WHERE [name] = 'tempdb'AND [crdate] < GETDATE() - 0 --filter results to instances restarted greater than X days
SQL Server 2008+
Method 3 - Interrogate the SQL Server error logSELECT [sqlserver_start_time] AS [LastStartupDate],DATEDIFF(dd, [sqlserver_start_time],GETDATE()) AS [Days since server start]FROM [sys].[dm_os_sys_info]
SQL Server 2005 - 2008
SQL Server 2008 - 2012DECLARE @LogNum TINYINTSET @LogNum = 0 --0=current 1=.1 etcDECLARE @LogType TINYINTSET @LogType = 1 --1=SQL 2=AgentDECLARE @ProcessType VARCHAR(64)SET @ProcessType = 'Server'DECLARE @TextSearch VARCHAR(20)SET @TextSearch = 'Server process ID is'DECLARE @ErrLog AS TABLE([LogDate] DATETIME, [ProcessInfo] VARCHAR(64), [TEXT] VARCHAR(MAX))INSERT INTO @ErrLogEXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog @LogNum, @LogType , @ProcessType, @TextSearch--grab the first occurrence and report back the timestamp as the last startupSELECT MIN(LogDate) AS [LastStartupDate],DATEDIFF(dd, MIN(LogDate),GETDATE()) AS [Days since server start]FROM @ErrLogWHERE LogDate < GETDATE() - 0 --filter results to instances restarted greater than X days
In SQL Server 2012 the extended stored procedure accepts only two parameters
DECLARE @LogNum TINYINT = 0 --0=current 1=.1 etcDECLARE @LogType TINYINT = 1 --1=SQL 2=AgentDECLARE @ProcessType VARCHAR(64) = 'Server'DECLARE @TextSearch VARCHAR(20) = 'Server process ID is'DECLARE @ErrLog AS TABLE([LogDate] DATETIME, [ProcessInfo] VARCHAR(64), [TEXT] VARCHAR(MAX))INSERT INTO @ErrLogEXEC sys.xp_readerrorlog @LogNum, @LogType --, @ProcessType, @TextSearch--grab the first occurrence and report back the timestamp as the last startupSELECT MIN(LogDate) AS [LastStartupDate],DATEDIFF(dd, MIN(LogDate),GETDATE()) AS [Days since server start]FROM @ErrLogWHERE [ProcessInfo] = @ProcessType AND [TEXT] LIKE '%' + @TextSearch + '%'AND LogDate < GETDATE() - 0 --filter results to instances restarted greater than X days
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